Mauricio Alonso
Mauricio Alonso is a 4th Degree Black Belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. He received his black belt from Master Ryan Gracie in São Paulo, Brazil, in December 2003. He has won multiple BJJ championships internationally, and has competed in MMA internationally in Japan, Korea, USA and Brazil, at the highest level, including Bellator MMA, one of the largest MMA organizations in the world. He has been teaching BJJ for 2 decades and has built a strong program of practitioners at all levels. From kids aged 5+ to adults of all ages, competitors and hobbyists, all are welcome at Mauricio Alonso BJJ.
In line with the incredible spirit created and encouraged at Mauricio Alonso BJJ, professor Mauricio is intentionally committed to not only sharing his expertise, but building up his community through all his Brazilian jiu-jitsu programs and his non-profit, Need to Believe. He wants every student to feel confident, learn safe and effective techniques, and be included. Need to Believe is dedicated to providing quality martial arts programs to kids with special needs, along with assistance to their families. The community impact stretches beyond just the classes at Mauricio Alonso BJJ. Professor Mauricio created Need to Believe, out of the strong passion to provide support, empowerment, inclusion, awareness, and progress for individuals with special needs in Newark and whole San Francisco bay area.
Consider volunteering for our Kids with Special Needs BJJ class or donating directly to Need to Believe, which provides free classes, uniforms and support to kids with special needs and their families.
Give and learn more about Need to Believe HERE.
And come try your first class at Mauricio Alonso BJJ today!